Live App Icons
Currently iOS system only allows clock and calendar app to show real-time updates on your home screen. The goal of this project is to expand real-time updating technology to other applications. The new ‘Live App Icons’ displays instantly recognizable information on the app icon. It provides faster and easier way to access to the app without opening the app.
Currently iOS system only allows clock and calendar app to show real-time updates on your home screen. The goal of this project is to expand real-time updating technology to other applications. The new ‘Live App Icons’ displays instantly recognizable information on the app icon. It provides faster and easier way to access to the app without opening the app.
Art Director/Designer: June Shim
Current real-time update apps
Weather app : Refreshed when users unlock the device
Activity app : Refreshed when users unlock the device
Stock app : Animated while users stay on the home screen
Compass app : Animated while users stay on the home screen